A Quick Welcome + What Is Peaceful Parenting?


Are you ready to get rid of your mom guilt and all of the battles and drama? Are you ready to remove the stress and overwhelm that you're feeling? Are you ready to change your life as you know it?

Peaceful parenting is a choice. It’s something you must commit to doing every day. Every day when you wake up, you must commit not to yell, but to choose to parent your children in a loving way.

Shifting your parenting approach is a big transition. And you can expect some bumps in the road as you and your child learn this new way of connecting.

You will struggle a bit at first. But it doesn't mean that you're doing anything wrong. Changing the way you parent will take practice and I’m sorry to say, that it’s really, really hard.

But every time you show your child empathy instead of yelling or punishing, your child starts to heal from all of those moments when he felt alone and misunderstood. And as a result, you both will become happier and more peaceful. (Say goodbye to the Mommy Monster!)

The key principles of peaceful parenting are:
  • We actively work on regulation our own emoting so we can stay calm with our children
  • We reflect on the reason behind our child’s behavior before reacting
  • We practice active listening skills
  • We set limits with calm clarity and empathy
  • We try to accept the feelings and unmet needs behind our child’s behavior

Being a role model
Working on our own behavior is a big part of peaceful parenting. Children learn by watching our behavior. When we use manipulation, threats, bribes or punishments of any kind, we teach our kids that this is what they should do too.

As a result, your child will try to make others act the way they want them to act by using the same methods as you. Manipulating, threatening, bribing and punishing his friends.

And when your child is told not to manipulate others, they are receiving two opposing messages: one from what you’re saying and one from what you’re doing.

And you know what they say, actions speak louder than words.

(I use the term "he" or "him" throughout this course, but you can, of course, replace it with "her" or "they" if you have a daughter or multiple children)

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